Watched a lovely little film last night called "Manorama - six feet under". This was to cap off one of those near perfect days that come by so rarely and unexpectedly. I was home from work due to a back ache and enforced bed rest meant that I spent a peaceful day tucked up on my futon reading Murakami's "Kafka on the Shore". My little boy sat on the windowsill with the curtains drawn around him, listening to stories about giant turnips and dragon lanterns on CDs. Quaint and cozy. Made more so by the freak weather which has recently given us torrential rains and some crisp, cold breezes. We spent a nice afternoon giving each other loving looks, impromptu hugs and altogether being very cheesy indeed. The husband would have had a sardonic thing or two to say about all this mooching around. Had he been home. But he wasn't. Out eating dimsumthing with his brother. Ha!
(A quick bit about this Kafka book. All of you who read "Wind up Bird Chronicles" and wanted to murder that Haruki Murakami person for ending the book as abruptly as he did, give the man another chance with this one. Its mesmeric. Spellbinding. Delicious - have to keep turning the pages type of literary wonder. I've been thinking of sneaking it to work with me - but something tells me that might make me look like a bit of a fruitcake, should my colleagues walk in on me suddenly. In other words, do read if you can).
So the man named Tys came home early for a change and whisked us off to a park close to home. We chose a spot on the private beach strip annexed to the park and proceeded to have a whale of a time. Tys had thoughtfully set-up a couple of folding chairs and mats and had even thought to get us some samosas and lemon cakes in case we got hungry. We did. Most of the food somehow found its way into my stomach, and the rest was hurriedly divided between husband and child. It was great. I even had a blanket to wrap myself in and I just sat there listening to the water and looking at the distant city skyline while the other two played close by. A sudden shift in seismic activity right beside me brought me back to earth and I found a pair of eyes peering at me (looking lovingly as it turned out) from the chair beside me and it was Tys come to bond. The next hour or so I spent talking to my husband about this, that and all things random. Chatty we were. Almost like we hadn't a care in the world. I kind of hated to see the evening end. But there are things in this world like sending off your kids to school very early in the morning and we had to eventually pack and head home. But only after I had watched the stars for a long time and had a constellation or two explained to me by the hubba.
And yes, then we watched Manorama. Us 3 on a couch with underage tyke all tucked in and asleep in his dad's arms. Nice.
Moving on ... to Abhay Deol - who would have thought that Deol clan could produce something like an Abhay?? - is he really related to Sunny, Bobby and Dharam paaji? Oye and balle balle I say! He has done a credible job playing a middle class government worker in Lakhot (Rajasthan) who one day finds himself in the midst of a real life murder mystery. It was a gem of a movie - not perfect in the plot, but had me glued to the screen from start to finish. Gul Panag played Abhay's small town wife to perfection - housecoats, peeling aloos for dinner while arguing with husband et al. Fun. And the film is replete with these small things that we'll all find familiar at some point. Plus there is a juicy double murder, Vinay Pathak at his best and Raima Sen bringing in the glam factor. And of course, there is a LOT of Abhay Deol.
The best thing about days like yesterday is that they last forever in all the ways that count.

Thats Me! Says V from Jap Talk :-)
a book review, a movie review and a husband review all in one? :D
have just picked "kafka..."..but not yet started it waiting for that ideal time...:)
days like these ....spontaneous unplanned and beautiful...sigh....know what you mean...
This sure sounds like a downpour....but it'll be there to stay...lots of nice, feel good memories of a great day.
Will have to now go reda are making it sound so readable...
and hope that you have many more of such spur of the moment outings and fun filled days....
TA - yes that did sound a bit like a husband review didn't it? :-D
Prats - Tx :)
TA - btw, have you read his wind up bird chrobicle? Would love to know what you thought of it.
I haven't yet read is difficult to catch up on serious reading when you have two boys and a third threatening to behave like an overgrown child..:)
really like your book/movie reviews...mebbe you could start it as a regular feature?...
aww.. now you have really made me want to read that book. and marry. and go to the beach :)
Hey Nags : Now why did I automatically assume from the name that you were a man? The ways in which the mind works I tell you. Went to your page and you love cooking too! :) I checked out the weekend breakfast page, died and went to virtual heaven. Loved it. I've been wanting to start a food page myself ... one day its going to happen.
TA : I know what you mean - and yes, maybe we can work out an idea for an online book club or something?
**So the man named Tys came home early for a change and whisked us off to a park close to home
u and Tys live close to each other? hang on, u said 'came home'!! ur his wife?? :)
Sounds like a nice evening.. *katching katching katching*... Tys, you get several more bunny points for being a good hubby in spite of your self incriminatory blog posts:)
You know Mads, after 18 hour days for the last three weeks, I feel like I live in another planet!:) I'm glad you do write in about what you've been reading and watching... reminds me that I have a life to catch up on... sigh!:)
@Keshi - you didnt know about Tys n Mads??:)
Keshi : Yes indeed ... lawfully wedded and everything :D
Ziah : Tell me more about your work ... would love to know. 18 hour days? But I guess you wouldn't do it if it didn't do something for you right?
Hey Mads! I’m a lawyer that’s a part of a law firm that advices corporates in their mergers n acquisitions… so we’re basically charting out the legal do’s n don’t, doing their documentation (agreements etc) and telling them just how badly their neck is on the noose (a.k.a risk analysis) :) Normally, thru the process of a deal, clients work 24x7 till d-day, so we’re working the same pace to back em up… the bad news is each of us are doing atleast four deals at a time for clients spread out all over the globe, so 18 hour days are normal!:) I usually tune into blogs as its better than the water-cooler gang!!:)
What does my job do for me? Sigh! It puts food on my table, funds my shopping, helps me understand how all that I mugged up at law school works in the real world and makes me wonder how long can I do this stuff! The glamour n the sense of importance has weaned after a dozen deals over the last 2 years..:) There! I ranted and I feel better…:)
You seem quite interesting!! So what do you do for a living? You mentioned you’re writing a book.. would love to hear about that! :)
And where is my much promised Muffet critique???
wow! that was the size of an email!! :)
Your post makes me 'J '.We live in a stupid small town with just ONE decent theatre and no advanced booking and husband controls the remote so watching DVDs is out of question.Can you imagine the whole world has watched Taare Zameen par and the movie hasn't made its appearance here. :-((
BTW you are tagged.
Ziah : I run a media business with my husband - but I've changed careers in the last 10 years often enough! Started with airlines (KLM), moved to events briefly, then stuck it out for 6 years with software sales and program management - then felt exactly the same as your email above :-D and switched again to media. But I see all these as strengths ... I do however admire people like you who stay around long enough to give their chosen careers a fighting chance. I've never had the patience unfortunately - the one thing that has endured though is that cooking is my one big love workwise and I've catered off and on for a number of years with success. So I know how I will eventually retire :)
Muffet ... have not been able give it undivided attention. I am aiming to read in peace this week so I can give you my genuine opinion.
HHG : Your comment made me smile :). Haven't heard "j" in a long time. Will definitely take up your tag.
you are tagged again
It is indeed hard to believe that Abhay Deol is one of "the Deols"...Zameen aasman ka fark hai. Check out his "Aahista Aahista" too. Loved it..
hey.. first time here.. came from Suma's blog... and loved this narration.. And the last line was so beautiful... :)
Tx Preethi :).
OMG thats is sooo nice to know! :) Now I can say I know Tys' wife too...awwww..
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