I'm glad i married who I married. I really am. Soul mate, best friend, sounding board, all of that ... but somtimes, just plain darned asinine. I'm not just saying this. Its absolutely true and is reconfirmed, week after week after week. This week ...
So the man is in desert country working and working very hard indeed. A hard day at the office usually ends around seven in the evening with his trusted JD and a frugal meal consisting of only about 5 courses, washed down with a movie or two before the staright eight hours repose and then its office again. Tough. Very tough.
Now, I am here - in Bangalore. With two kids aged 5 years and 3 months and I have it easy as pie let me tell you. I only have to wake up at about 5 every morning, feed, water bathe 2 kids, drop one at school, get back, work on my technical writing projects for 4 hours while also juggling baby and her 5,000 needs. Then I have the pleasant task of getting the elder one back from school, organize his lunch, feed the baby AGAIN, handle badgering calls from clients asking for "where the hell is that content you promised me dammit!", make nice with mom, do chores for my dad, play with my son, take him to the library, get his homework done, tell stories, be his friend, keep talking to my very social baby and then on perfect days like yesterday there is torrential rain. And my son is in drawing class. And I have to pick him up and there is nobody to watch the baby. And I don't have a car seat so I can't drive there. So I put her in a sling, open up my trusted umbrella, run to school, get my son, start walking back and the rain decides to do a number on me by pelting down like what not. So I hold the darned umbrella at an angle that soaks the back of my clothes and the back of my boy's rather large head. The baby is looking bewlidered at all this sudden activity and then she decides that she needs to express her discomfort with loud wails. People on the street are staring at us oddly and we just about manage to stumble into the building in a collective piece. I change and dry two tired kids, change and dry myself, run to the ktchen to get the tired artist his dinner and then the phone rings. The man at the other end says 'helllooo dahhhling, watcha doing? I am watching cartoons". So i tell him what I'm doing and he laughs. A brief tinkling sound and says "How do these things happen to you?".
And then the skies did open up. Now there's enough seismic activity from India to UAE and its definitely rocking the boat. And dead bang in the centre of the boat is this clueless man who just wishes that he had kept his mouth shut and offered up a long distance hug instead.

Thats Me! Says V from Jap Talk :-)
Awwwwwwwww... jeeez... Madhu. Sounds like he caught you just at the wrong time huh? And I thought you have the cushy Indian middle class life with several "helpers" around you? Where are they? Phew...
Btw, I finished reading "Fine Balance" and LOVED it. Need to stick to your book recommendations.
Love from Germany, where my boy is getting the newspaper and breakfast items while I'm reading blogs at home. Life ain't fair ;)
phew!! u have your days filled!!, madhu...that's te reason i don't ping you now when you r online...
besides, now i believe that you are superwoman...how do you do all that?!!!(bowing reverentially)
and wish husbands understood that magic trick of knowing just when to speak and what...i could tell you a few tales too :(
you doing a great job, its just one of those days when everything join forces against you...
Now that your posts are few and far between, they feel like sweet cold matka water for a parched throat!!
Hats off to you for doing all that you do!!! Though I do sympathize with your hubby at that particular moment when the "skies opened up"!!
That's some day! Tell Tys that it happens to many of us,infact all of us!!!
Take care.
awww..reminded me of the time my kids were small and husband was traveling a lot.I could relate so much to what you describe here. Now they are 10 and 7--great ages to be.
This too shall pass.
Twinga: Dani, you lucky dog you! :). As for the helpers, yes they're there, but thats a whole new blog topic for another day.
Suma: please ping me when you're online and I shall do the same. Its always great talking to you.
rajk: wow! Thank you so much!
Joy: I hear you :) ... I guess every mother knows what I am talking about when it comes to crazy days and nights.
PS: hmm ... so there's hope? :D. I'll just try and enjoy this meanwhile.
and i thought you would be getting pampered here at home base.
oh yes,parenting is all roses minus the colour and the petals.
cheer up.
call me.i shall entertain you with some tales of being in a class of 30 ...8 yr olds(alone)
Being the best momma you can...it is tough, but i'm sure its gonna be just a passing phase...
But you're doing a swell job with them...
Added to all this you have been finding time for such small but wonderful activities for your son, which is really commendable...so just hang on!!!
Oh!! I went a tagged you yet again....take it up when you can...would love to know the answers here
You know what as always I am laughing at this post.. I know you are pouring out your woes but you are so funny!!! Anyway will sober up now and tell you I think you are doing an awesome job!!!
hehehehe... its murphy, madhu!
"why do these things happen to you" - oh,does that sound familiar?:)
aww...poor you! What a day! It will get better, don't worry!
And then God made 'WOW'MAN....meant to be a better version than the original prototype MAN....but the creation of this complex superbeing so tired out God that he decided to quit making new versions and stuck to the original two only....the only small little change that he decided to implement was to simplify the spelling and the pronounciation...from WOWMAN to WOMAN !!!
Oh my God, one hell of a super-mom's blog have I landed onto.
Congrats on the Brilliante Award. Now you know where I appear from? From Hip Grandma's, of course. Glad she mentioned you and I am glad I found you. Am bookmarking you and will return to read more.
This post was absolutely hilarious. Left me huffing and puffing while trying to catch up your routine along with you.
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